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... nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam pistōrēs. magnōs...

asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam pistōrēs. magnōs fūstēs
asinus, asina, asinumof/connected with an ass/donkey, ass's; stupid, asininevon / mit einem Esel angeschlossen Esel, Esel, dumm, dumm/ en relation avec un âne / âne, âne, bête, stupidedi / collegata con un asino / asino, asino, stupido, stupidode / conectado con un culo / burro, culo es, estúpido, estúpido
asinus, asini Mass, donkey; blockhead, fool, doltEsel, Esel, Dummkopf, Narr, Tölpelâne, un âne; sot, idiot, imbécileasino, asino, scimunito, sciocco, ignoranteculo, burro, tonto, tonto, bobo
asinī. noswewirnous noinosotros
asinī. nōs fortis, forte, fortior -or -us, fortissimus -a -umstrong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, boldstark, mächtig, mächtig, kräftig, fest, standhaft, mutig, tapfer, kühnfort, puissant, puissant, énergique, ferme, inébranlable, courageux, brave, audacieuxforte, potente, possente, vigoroso, solido, tenace, coraggioso, coraggioso, audacefuerte, potente, fuerte, vigoroso, firme, constante, valiente, valiente, audaz
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; existsein, existierenêtre ; exister essere, esistereser; existir
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quamhow, thanwie, alscomment, decome, oltrecómo, de
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quamhow, how much; as, thanwie, wie viel, wie alscomment, combien, comme, quecome, quanto, come, rispettocómo, cuánto, ya que, de
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam  pistor, pistoris Mpounder of far; miller/bakerPfünder weit; Müller / Bäckerlivre de loin ; miller/boulanger libbre di lontano; mugnaio / fornaiotriturador de lejos; molinero/panadero
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam pistōrēs. magnus, magna -um, major -or -us, maximus -a -umlarge/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spaciousgroß / große / big / große / groß; viel, mächtig, hoch / lang / breit, extensiver geräumigengrand/grand/grand/vaste/énorme ; beaucoup ; puissant ; grand/longtemps/large ; étendu/spacieux grande / grande / grande / grandi / enormi, molto, potente, alto / lungo / largo, esteso / spaziosegrande/grande/grande/extenso/enorme; mucho; de gran alcance; alto/de largo/amplio; extenso/espacioso
asinī. nōs fortiōrēs sumus quam pistōrēs. magnōs fustis, fustis Mstaff club; stickStaff Club; StickClub du personnel; bâtonclub del personale; bastoneclub de personal; palo

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