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... solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacra. Clēmēns...

cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacra. Clēmēns eam
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatusdine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal ofessen, zu Abend essen / Abendessen, Abendessen mit; Essen auf, eine Mahlzeitdiner, manger le dîner/dîner ; dîner avec ; diner dessus, faire un repas de pranzare, cenare / cena: a cena con; cenare, fare un pasto dicenar, comer la cena/la cena; cenar con; cenar encendido, hacer una comida de
cēnāre soleo, solere, solitus sumbe in the habit of; become accustomed towerden die Gewohnheit, sich daran gewöhnt,être dans l'habitude de ; s'habituer à essere l'abitudine di, abituati aestar en el hábito de; hacer acostumbrado a
cēnāre solēbat. inin, on, at; in accordance with/regard to/the case of; withinin, auf, nach, an, gegendans, sur, à, conformément à l'/ ce qui concerne les / le cas d'; dansin, su, su, in conformità con / per quanto riguarda / il caso di; all'internoen, sobre, en; de conformidad con / respecto a / el caso de, dentro de
cēnāre solēbat. ininto; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, amongin, etwa in dem Nebel, der, nach, nachdem, denn, um unterdans, environ, dans la brume de: selon, après, car, pour, entrein, circa, nella nebbia di; secondo, dopo, per, per, traen, aproximadamente, en la bruma de, según, después, porque, para, entre
cēnāre solēbat. in cella, cellae Fstoreroom, cellar, larder; temple chamber, sanctuary; room, garret; penAbstellraum, Keller, Speisekammer, Kammer-Tempel, Heiligtum, Zimmer, Dachboden; Stiftcellier, cave, cellier, chambre de temple, sanctuaire, chambre, grenier, styloripostiglio, cantina, dispensa, camera tempio, santuario, camera, soffitta; pennaalmacén, bodega, despensa, cámara de templo, santuario, habitación, buhardilla, pluma
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templum, templi Ntemple, church; shrine; holy placeTempel, eine Kirche; Schrein; heiligen Orttemple, église, temple, lieu sacrétempio, chiesa, santuario, luogo sacrotemplo, iglesia, templo, lugar santo
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī  habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatusinhabit, dwell; live, stayleben, wohnen, leben, wohnen,habiter, demeurer ; vivre, rester abitare, abitare, vivere, soggiornohabitar, morar; vivir, permanecer
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat felis, felis Fcat; marten/ferret/polecat/wild cat; mouser; inveigler, seducer, tom-cat; thiefKatze, Marder / Frettchen / Iltis / Wildkatze; mouser; inveigler, Verführer, Kater, Diebchat; martre / furet / putois / chat sauvage; mouser; captateur, séducteur, matou, voleurgatto; martora / furetto / puzzola / gatto selvatico; mouser; inveigler, seduttore, tom-gatto; ladrogato, marta / huron / turón / gato montés; cazador de ratones; inveigler, seductor, tom-cat; ladrón
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat felo, felare, felavi, felatussuck; fellate, practice fellatiosaugen, Fellatio, Fellatio Praxissucer, fellation, fellation pratiquesucchiare; fellate, fellatio praticasuccionar; felación, fellatio práctica
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacer, sacra, sacrumsacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestableheilig, heilig, geweiht, verflucht, schrecklich, abscheulichsacré, saint, consacré ; maudit, horrible, détestable sacro, santo, consacrato, maledetta, orribile, detestabilesagrado, santo, consecrated; maldito, horrible, detestable
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacrum, sacri Nsacrifice; sacred vessel; religious ritesOpfer; heiligen Schiffes; religiöse Ritensacrifice ; navire sacré ; rites religieux sacrificio; nave sacra; riti religiosisacrificio; recipiente sagrado; ritos religiosos
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacro, sacrare, sacravi, sacratusconsecrate, make sacred, dedicateweihen, heilig machen, widmenconsacrer, rendre sacré, dédientconsacrare, rendere sacro, dedicanoconsagrar, sacralizar, dedican
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacra. clemens, (gen.), clementismerciful/loving; lenient/mild/gentle; quiet/peaceful, easy, moderate; compliantbarmherzig / liebenden; milde / mild / sanft, ruhig / friedlich, leicht, mittel, entspricht denmiséricordieux, affectueux; clémente / doux / douce, calme / paisible, facile, modéré, conformemisericordioso / amore; indulgente / dolce / gentile; quiet / tranquillo, facile, moderato, compatibilemisericordiosos / amorosa; indulgentes / suave / suave, tranquilo / tranquila, fácil, moderado, compatible
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacra. Clēmēns is, ea, idhe/she/it/they; that oneer, sie, esil / elle / ils, que l'onlui / lei / esso / essi; che unoél / ella / ello / ellos, que uno
cēnāre solēbat. in cellā templī habitābat fēlēs sacra. Clēmēns eo, ire, ivi/ii, itusgo, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sailgehen, zu Fuß, march, voraus; pass; flow; pass; reiten, segelnaller, marcher ; marche, avance ; passage ; écoulement ; passage ; tour ; voile andare, camminare, marciare, anticipo; pass; flusso; pass; giro; velair, caminar; marzo, avance; paso; flujo; paso; paseo; vela

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