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... audiuntur. ille oculōs nōn movet....

vincula audiuntur. ille oculōs nōn movet. sonus
vinculum, vinculi Nchain, bond, fetter; imprisonmentKette, Bindung, Fessel, Gefängnischaîne, lien, entrave; emprisonnementcatena, legame, vincolo; reclusionecadena, bonos, trabar; prisión
vincula audio, audire, audivi, auditushear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hearhören, zuhören, akzeptieren, zustimmen; gehorchen, harken, achten; in der Lage sein zu hören,entendre, écouter, accepter, convenir avec ; obéir ; harken, prêter l'attention ; pouvoir entendre sentire, ascoltare, accogliere, d'accordo con, obbedire, attenzione Harken, le retribuzioni; essere in grado di sentireoír, escuchar, aceptar, convenir con; obedecer; harken, prestar la atención; poder oír
vincula audiuntur.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vincula audiuntur. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vincula audiuntur. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vincula audiuntur. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
vincula audiuntur.  ille, illa, illudthat; those; that person/thing; the well known; the formerdass, diejenigen, auch DEMONST; dieser Person / Sache, die gut bekannt, die ehemaligecela ; ceux ; ces personne/chose ; le bien connu ; l'ancien che, quelle, cioè / persona cosa, il ben noto, il primoeso; ésos; esa persona/cosa; el bien conocido; el anterior
vincula audiuntur. ille oculus, oculi MeyeAugeœilocchioojo
vincula audiuntur. ille oculōs nonnot, by no means, nonicht, auf keinen Fall, keinnon, pas du tout, pas denon per nulla, nessunNo, de ninguna manera, no
vincula audiuntur. ille oculōs Non., abb.Nones; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhenNones; 7. des Monats, März, Mai, Juli, Oktober, 5. elsewhenNones, 7 mois, Mars, Mai, Juillet, octobre, 5e autre momentNones, 7 mesi, marzo, maggio, luglio, ottobre, 5 ° elsewhenNones, séptimo del mes, marzo, mayo, julio, octubre, 5 de elsewhen
vincula audiuntur. ille oculōs nōn moveo, movere, movi, motusmove, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturbbewegen, bewegen, bewegen, beeinflussen, zu provozieren, zu störense déplacer, remuer, agiter, affecter, provoquer, déranger muovere, agitare, agitare, incidono, provocare, disturbaremoverse, revolver, agitar, afectar, provocar, disturbar
vincula audiuntur. ille oculōs nōn movet. sonus, soni Mnoise, soundLärm, Schallébruiter, retentir rumore, suonodivulgar, sonar

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