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Eoae citius venite laurus:
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
 Eous, Eoa, Eoumeastern; of the dawn; belonging to/of/set in the morningOsten, von der Dämmerung; Zugehörigkeit zu / von / am Morgen eingestelltEst; de l'aube; appartenant à / de / set dans la matinéeorientali; dell'alba, appartenenti a / di / set la mattinaEste; de la aurora; perteneciente a / de / establecido por la mañana
Eoae citus, cita -um, citior -or -us, citissimus -a -umquick, swift, rapid; moving/acting/passing/occurring quickly, speedy; earlyschnell, schnell, schnell; ergreifend / Schauspiel / Abblend-und auftretende schnell, schnelle, frühzeitigevite, rapide, rapide ; déplacement/action/dépassement/se produisant rapidement, prompt ; tôt rapido, veloce, rapido; in movimento / qualità / passaggio / che si verificano in modo rapido, veloce, prestoaprisa, rápido, rápido; mudanza/actuación/paso/que ocurre rápidamente, rápido; temprano
Eoae cito, citius, citissimequickly/fast/speedily, with speed; soon, before long; readily; easilyschnell / schnell / schnell, mit Geschwindigkeit, bald, es dauerte nicht lange, leicht, einfachrapidement/rapide/rapidement, avec la vitesse ; bientôt, d'ici peu ; aisément ; facilement rapido / veloce / rapido, con velocità, presto, presto, subito, facilmenterápidamente/rápido/rápido, con velocidad; pronto, después de poco tiempo; fácilmente; fácilmente
Eoae citius venio, venire, veni, ventuscomekommenvenez venirevenir
Eoae citius veneo, venire, venivi(ii), venitusgo for sale, be sold, be disposed of for gaingehen, verkauft werden, die Sie bei Gewinn veräußertaller en vente, soit vendu, soit débarrassé pour le gain andare per la vendita, da vendere, essere smaltiti a scopo di lucroir para la venta, se venda, se disponga para el aumento
Eoae citius venite laurus, laurus Flaurel/bay tree/foliage/sprig/branch; triumph/victory; honorLorbeer / Lorbeerbaum / Laub / Zweig / Ast; Triumph / Sieg, Ehrearbre de laurier/compartiment/feuillage/brin/branche ; triomphe/victoire ; honneur alloro / albero di alloro / foglie / ciuffo / succursale; trionfo / vittoria; onoreárbol del laurel/de bahía/follaje/puntilla/rama; triunfo/victoria; honor
Eoae citius venite laurus:(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Eoae citius venite laurus: (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Eoae citius venite laurus: (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Eoae citius venite laurus: (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Eoae citius venite laurus: (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Eoae citius venite laurus: (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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