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Haemus. Salve, dux hominum et parens
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Haemus.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Haemus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Haemus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Haemus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Haemus. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Haemus.  salvus, salva, salvumwell, unharmed, sound; alive; safe, savedgut, unversehrt, gesund, lebendig, sicher, gesichertainsi, sains et saufs, le son; vivant, coffre-fort, sauvéEbbene, illeso, suono, vivo, sicuro, salvatoasí, el sonido ilesos,; vivo, fuerte, guarda
Haemus.  salvehail!/welcome!; farewell!Heil! / welcome!, lebe wohl!salut! / Bienvenue!, adieu!salve! / benvenuto!; addio!salve! / bienvenidos!; ¡adiós!
Haemus.  salveo, salvere, -, -be well/in good healthgut / guter Gesundheitêtre bonne santé de well/in bene / in buona saluteser buena salud de well/in
Haemus. Salve, dux, ducis Mleader, guide; commander, general; DukeFührer, Führer, Kommandeur, General, Herzogchef, guide ; commandant, général ; Duc leader, di guida; comandante, generale; Ducalíder, guía; comandante, general; Duque
Haemus. Salve, dux homo, hominis Mman, human being, person, fellowMann, Mensch, Person, Menschl'homme, l'être humain, personne, garçonl'uomo, essere umano, persona, amicohombre, ser humano, persona, amigo
Haemus. Salve, dux hominum etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
Haemus. Salve, dux hominum et pareo, parere, parui, paritusobey, be subject/obedient to; submit/yield/comply; pay attention; attend togehorchen, unterliegt / gehorsam; vorzulegen / Rendite-/ entsprechen; achten; Teilnahme anobéir, être soumis/obéissant à ; soumettre/rendement/se conforment ; attention de salaire ; s'occuper obbedire, essere soggetto / obbediente a presentare; / rendimento / rispettare; prestare attenzione; partecipare aobedecer, ser sujeto/obediente a; someter/producción/se conforman; atención de la paga; atender a
Haemus. Salve, dux hominum et parens, parentisparent, father, motherMutter, Vater, Mutterparent, père, mèremadre, padre, madrepadre, padre, madre
Haemus. Salve, dux hominum et parens, (gen.), parentisobedientgehorsamobéissantobbedienteobediente

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