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... haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; itaque,...

mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; itaque, quamquam
mihi hic, haec, hocthis; thesedieser, diese, diesesdans cette direction,questa direzione,este, los cuales
mihi haec accido, accidere, accidi, accisuscut, cut into/down/up, hack, hew, fell; overthrow, destroy; cut short; weakengeschnitten, in / abgeholzt / bis, hack, HEW, fiel, zu stürzen, zu vernichten; kurz geschnitten zu schwächen;coupé, coupé en / down / up, hack, HEW, tomba; renverser, détruire, couper court; affaiblirtagliato, tagliato a / down / up, trucco, HEW, cadde; rovesciare, distruggere, tagliare corto; indebolirecortar, cortar en / abajo / arriba, hachazo, esculpir, cayó; derrocar, destruir; atajo; debilitan
mihi haec accidit, accidere, accidit, accisus esthappens, turns out, befalls; fall upon; come to pass, occurgeschieht, stellt sich heraus, trifft, fallen auf, in Erfüllung gehen, tretense produit, se révèle, arrive; tomber sur; arrivera, seaccade, risulta, capita; cadere su, venite a passare, si verificanosucede, resulta que acontece; caer sobre, ven a pasar, se producen
mihi haec accido, accidere, accidi, -fall upon/down/to/at or near, descend, alight; happen, occur; happen toFall auf / ab / an / in der Nähe, steigen, steigen, geschehen, vorkommen, passierentomber sur / bas / vers / à ou près de, descendre, descendre, arriver, se produire; arriver àcadere su / giù / per / o in prossimità, scendere, scendere, accade, si verificano; capita dicaen sobre / abajo / a / o cerca, descender, baje; suceder, ocurrir, pasar a
mihi haec accidebant, qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
mihi haec accidebant, quamhow, thanwie, alscomment, decome, oltrecómo, de
mihi haec accidebant, quamhow, how much; as, thanwie, wie viel, wie alscomment, combien, comme, quecome, quanto, come, rispettocómo, cuánto, ya que, de
mihi haec accidebant, quam sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; existsein, existierenêtre ; exister essere, esistereser; existir
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant ille, illa, illudthat; those; that person/thing; the well known; the formerdass, diejenigen, auch DEMONST; dieser Person / Sache, die gut bekannt, die ehemaligecela ; ceux ; ces personne/chose ; le bien connu ; l'ancien che, quelle, cioè / persona cosa, il ben noto, il primoeso; ésos; esa persona/cosa; el bien conocido; el anterior
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa gratus, grata -um, gratior -or -us, gratissimus -a -umpleasing, acceptable, agreeable, welcome; dear, beloved; grateful, thankfulangenehm, akzeptabel, angenehm, willkommen, liebe, liebe, dankbar, dankbaragréable, acceptable, agréable, bienvenue, chère, chère, reconnaissant, reconnaissantgradevole, accettabile, gradevole, benvenuto; cara, amata, grato, riconoscenteagradable, aceptable, agradable bienvenida,, querido, amado, agradecido, agradecido
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, queandundetey
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae facio, facere, feci, factusmake/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; workmake / build / bauen / create / cause / zu tun; verfügen über integrierte / made, Mode, Arbeitfaire/construction/construction/créer/cause/do ; ont construit/fait ; mode ; travail fare / costruire / costruire / creare / causa / fare; hanno costruito / compiuti; moda; lavorohacer/estructura/construcción/crear/cause/do; han construido/hecho; manera; trabajo
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; eo, ire, ivi/ii, itusgo, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sailgehen, zu Fuß, march, voraus; pass; flow; pass; reiten, segelnaller, marcher ; marche, avance ; passage ; écoulement ; passage ; tour ; voile andare, camminare, marciare, anticipo; pass; flusso; pass; giro; velair, caminar; marzo, avance; paso; flujo; paso; paseo; vela
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; itaqueand so, accordingly; thus, therefore, consequentlyund so entsprechend, so deshalb, damitet si, en conséquence: ainsi, donc, par conséquent,e così, di conseguenza, quindi, di conseguenza, di conseguenzay así, en consecuencia, por lo tanto, por consiguiente,
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; itaqueand so, thereforeund so, alsoet si, par conséquent,e così, quindiy así, por lo tanto
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; itathus, so; thereforeSo, so, alsoAinsi, si, par conséquent,così, in modo, quindipor lo tanto, por lo que, por lo que
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; itaque, quisquam, cuiusquam any, anyone anything; any man, any personüberhaupt jemand etwas, jeder Mann, jede Personquels, n'importe qui quelque chose ; tout homme, toute personne qualsiasi, niente a nessuno, qualsiasi uomo, qualsiasi personacualesquiera, cualquier persona cualquier cosa; cualquie hombre, cualquie persona
mihi haec accidebant, quam erant illa grata, quae fecerant; itaque, quamquamthough, although; yet; neverthelessobwohl, obwohl, doch, dochCependant, même si, encore, et pourtantperò, anche se, ancora, tuttaviasin embargo, aunque, sin embargo, no obstante

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