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"velut agmine facto ...

"velut agmine facto
velutjust as, as ifgenauso, als obaussi, comme siproprio come, come sedel mismo modo, como si
"velut agmen, agminis Nstream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; processionstream; Herde, Herde, Truppe, Menge; Armee marschiert, Spalte, Zeile; Prozessioncours d'eau; troupeau, troupeau, troupe, foule, armée en marche, la colonne, en ligne; processionstream; mandria, gregge, truppa, della folla; esercito in marcia, colonna, riga; processionearroyo; rebaño, manada, tropa, multitud; ejército en marcha, la columna de la partida; procesión
"velut agmine facio, facere, feci, factusmake/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; workmake / build / bauen / create / cause / zu tun; verfügen über integrierte / made, Mode, Arbeitfaire/construction/construction/créer/cause/do ; ont construit/fait ; mode ; travail fare / costruire / costruire / creare / causa / fare; hanno costruito / compiuti; moda; lavorohacer/estructura/construcción/crear/cause/do; han construido/hecho; manera; trabajo
"velut agmine factum, facti Nfact, deed, act; achievementTatsache, Tat, zu handeln; Leistungfait, contrat, acte ; accomplissement Infatti, le opere, agire; realizzazionehecho, hecho, acto; logro
"velut agmine fio, feri, factus sumhappen, come about; result; take place, be held, occur, arisegeschieht, geschieht; result; stattfinden, stattfinden wird, auftreten, entstehense produire, survenir ; résultat ; avoir lieu, soit tenu, se produit, surgit accadere, avvenire, risultato; luogo, si terrà, si verificano, nasconosuceder, ocurrir; resultado; ocurrir, se sostenga, ocurren, se presentan
"velut agmine facto(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
"velut agmine facto (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
"velut agmine facto (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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