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... manus, quas solas timebat, effugere properabat.

Alexandri manus, quas solas timebat, effugere properabat.
Alexander, Alexandri MAlexanderAlexanderAlexanderAlexanderAlejandro
Alexandri manus, manus Fhand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; trunkHand, Faust; Team; Bande Bande von Soldaten; Handschrift; Stammmain, le poing; équipe; gang, bande de soldats; écriture; troncmano, pugno, squadra, banda, banda di soldati; scrittura; troncomano, el puño; equipo; banda, banda de soldados; escritura; tronco
Alexandri manus, qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
Alexandri manus, quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
Alexandri manus, quas solus, sola, solum (gen -ius)only, single; lonely; alone, having no companion/friend/protector; uniquenur, einzeln, einsam, allein, da sie keine Begleiter / Freund / Beschützer; einzigartigeseulement, simple ; seul ; seulement, n'ayant aucun compagnon/ami/protecteur ; unique solo, unico, solitario, da solo, non avendo alcun compagno / amico / protettore; unicosolamente, solo; solo; solamente, no teniendo ningún compañero/amigo/protector; único
Alexandri manus, quas solas timeo, timere, timui, -fear, dread, be afraidAngst, Furcht, Angstcraindre, redouter, avoir peur paura, terrore, pauratemer, temer, tener miedo
Alexandri manus, quas solas timebat, effugio, effugere, effugi, effugitusflee/escape; run/slip/keep away, eschew/avoid; baffle, escape noticeFlucht / Flucht; run / Slip / fernzuhalten, meiden / vermeiden; Schallwand, entgehense sauver/évasion ; la course/glissade/subsistance loin, évitent/évitent ; cloison, notification d'évasion fuggire / sfuggire; run / slip / Tenere fuori, rifuggono / evitare, diaframma, sfuggirehuir/escape; el funcionamiento/resbalón/subsistencia lejos, evita/evita; bafle, aviso del escape
Alexandri manus, quas solas timebat, effugo, effugare, effugavi, effugatusdrive away; frighten off, deter; drive/send into exiledrive away; abzuschrecken, abzuschrecken; Laufwerk / ins Exilconduire loin ; effrayer au loin, décourager ; conduire/envoyer dans l'exil auto, spaventare, scoraggiare; drive / inviare in esilioalejarse; asustar apagado, disuadir; conducir/enviar en exilio
Alexandri manus, quas solas timebat, effugere propero, properare, properavi, properatushurry, speed up; be quickbeeilen, beschleunigen, schnellla hâte, accélèrent ; être rapide fretta, accelerare; essere velocela prisa, acelera; ser rápido

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