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... per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur. Didium Veranius excepit,...

promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur. Didium Veranius excepit, isque
promoveo, promovere, promovi, promotusmove forwardvorankommenavancer andare avantimoverse adelante
promotum, promoti Npreferred thingbevorzugt, waschose préférécosa preferitoLo preferido
promotis, perthrough; during; by, by means ofdurch, während, durch, mit Hilfe vongrâce; cours; par, au moyen deattraverso, durante, da, per mezzo dia través de, durante, por, por medio de
promotis, per qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
promotis, per queandundetey
promotis, per quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
promotis, per quae fama, famae Frumor; reputation; tradition; fame, public opinion, ill repute; report, newsGerücht, Ruf; Tradition, Ruhm, die öffentliche Meinung schlechtem Ruf; Bericht, Neuigkeitenrumeur ; réputation ; tradition ; renommée, opinion publique, réputation malade ; rapporter, des nouvelles voce; reputazione; tradizione, fama, l'opinione pubblica, malaffare, report, newsrumor; reputación; tradición; fama, opinión pública, reputación enferma; divulgar, las noticias
promotis, per quae fama augeo, augere, auxi, auctusincrease, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot ofzu erhöhen, erweitern, ergänzen, zu verbreiten; Ehre, zu fördern, zu erhöhen; erhöhen, mache eine Mengel'augmentation, agrandissent, augmentent ; diffusion ; l'honneur, favorisent, augmentent ; élever ; faire beaucoup de aumentare, ingrandire, aumentare, diffondere, onore, promuovere, sollevare, esaltare, fare un sacco diel aumento, agranda, aumenta; extensión; el honor, promueve, levanta; exaltar; hacer mucho
promotis, per quae fama auctus, aucta -um, auctior -or -us, auctissimus -a -umenlarged, large, abundant, ample; richer/increased in power/wealth/importanceerweiterten, groß, reichlich, reichlich; reicher / erhöht an der Macht / Reichtum / Bedeutungélargie, grands, abondante, ample, plus riche a augmenté en puissance / / richesse importanceallargata, grande, abbondante, ampio, più ricco / aumentati di potenza / ricchezza / importanzaampliada, grande, abundante, amplia, más rica / aumento en el poder / riqueza e importancia
promotis, per quae fama aucti officium, offici(i) Nduty, obligation; kindness; service, officeVerpflichtung, Verbindlichkeit, Freundlichkeit, Service, Bürodevoir, engagement ; bonté ; service, bureau dovere, obbligo, gentilezza, servizio, ufficiodeber, obligación; amabilidad; servicio, oficina
promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitussearch for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demandsuchen, suchen, streben; zu erhalten, fragen, fragen, verlangenrechercher, chercher, essayer d'obtenir ; obtenir ; demander, s'enquérir, exiger cercare, cercare, di lottare per, ottenere, chiedere, indagare, la domandabuscar para, buscar, esforzarse para; obtener; pedir, investigar, exigir
promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur. Didium(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur. Didium Veranius excipio, excipere, excepi, exceptustake out; remove; follow; receive; ward off, relieveherausnehmen, zu entfernen, folgen; erhalten; abzuwehren, zu lindernsortir ; enlever ; suivre ; recevoir ; écarter, soulager togliere, togliere, seguire, ricevere, allontanare, sollevaresacar; quitar; seguir; recibir; rechazar, relevar
promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur. Didium Veranius excepit, is, ea, idhe/she/it/they; that oneer, sie, esil / elle / ils, que l'onlui / lei / esso / essi; che unoél / ella / ello / ellos, que uno
promotis, per quae fama aucti officii quaereretur. Didium Veranius excepit, eo, ire, ivi/ii, itusgo, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sailgehen, zu Fuß, march, voraus; pass; flow; pass; reiten, segelnaller, marcher ; marche, avance ; passage ; écoulement ; passage ; tour ; voile andare, camminare, marciare, anticipo; pass; flusso; pass; giro; velair, caminar; marzo, avance; paso; flujo; paso; paseo; vela

According to O & R, "officium" here means the "sphere of duty," that is, the province

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