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... hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. Cui Leo :...

Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. Cui Leo : Hoc
leo, leonis MlionLöwelionleoneleón
Leo, Leonis MLeo; priests of Persian god MithrasLeo, Priester des persischen Gottes MithrasLeo; prêtres de dieu perse MithraLeo; sacerdoti del dio persiano MitraLeo; sacerdotes de dios persa Mitra
Leo; hic, haec, hocthis; thesedieser, diese, diesesdans cette direction,questa direzione,este, los cuales
Leo; hanc ostendeo, ostendere, ostendi, -show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibitzu zeigen, offenbaren, deutlich machen, weisen darauf hin, Display, Ausstellungexposition ; indiquer ; faire clairement, préciser, montrer, exhiber spettacolo; rivelare, mettere in chiaro, su un punto, esposizione, mostrademostración; revelar; hacer claramente, precisar, exhibir, exhibir
Leo; hanc ostendit homo, hominis Mman, human being, person, fellowMann, Mensch, Person, Menschl'homme, l'être humain, personne, garçonl'uomo, essere umano, persona, amicohombre, ser humano, persona, amigo
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictuspaint, tint, color; adorn/decorate w/colored designs; paint/draw/depict/portrayFarbe, Farbton, Farbe; schmücken / verzieren w / farbigen Mustern und Modellen; malen / zeichnen / darstellen / schildernpeinture, teinte, couleur ; orner/décorer les conceptions de w/colored ; la peinture/aspiration/dépeignent/dépeignent vernice, tinta, colore; adornano / decorare w / disegni colorati; dipingere / disegnare / dipingere / ritrarrepintura, tinte, color; adornar/adornar los diseños de w/colored; la pintura/el drenaje/representa/retrata
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo pictura, picturae Fpainting, pictureMalerei, Bildpeinture, photopittura, fotografiapintura, fotografía
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam ininto; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, amongin, etwa in dem Nebel, der, nach, nachdem, denn, um unterdans, environ, dans la brume de: selon, après, car, pour, entrein, circa, nella nebbia di; secondo, dopo, per, per, traen, aproximadamente, en la bruma de, según, después, porque, para, entre
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam inin, on, at; in accordance with/regard to/the case of; withinin, auf, nach, an, gegendans, sur, à, conformément à l'/ ce qui concerne les / le cas d'; dansin, su, su, in conformità con / per quanto riguarda / il caso di; all'internoen, sobre, en; de conformidad con / respecto a / el caso de, dentro de
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium, testimoni(i) Ntestimony; deposition; evidence; witnessZeugen; Ablagerung; Beweise zu sammeln, Zeugentémoignage, le dépôt, la preuve; témointestimonianza; deposizione; prove; testimonetestimonio, deposición; pruebas; testigo
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. Cui leo, leonis MlionLöwelionleoneleón
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. Cui Leo, Leonis MLeo; priests of Persian god MithrasLeo, Priester des persischen Gottes MithrasLeo; prêtres de dieu perse MithraLeo; sacerdoti del dio persiano MitraLeo; sacerdotes de dios persa Mitra
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. Cui Leo(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Leo; hanc ostendit Homo picturam in testimonium. Cui Leo : hic, haec, hocthis; thesedieser, diese, diesesdans cette direction,questa direzione,este, los cuales

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