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... moveret Bella, per insignes isti micuere triumphos; ...

quando moveret Bella, per insignes isti micuere triumphos; Idcircoque
quandowhen, at what time; at any timewann, zu welchem Zeitpunkt, zu jeder Zeitquand, à quelle heure; à tout momentquando, in quale momento, in qualsiasi momentocuando, en qué momento; en cualquier momento
quandowhen, since, becausebei, da aufgrundlorsque, depuis, en raisonquando, quanto, perchécuando, ya que, debido a
quando moveo, movere, movi, motusmove, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturbbewegen, bewegen, bewegen, beeinflussen, zu provozieren, zu störense déplacer, remuer, agiter, affecter, provoquer, déranger muovere, agitare, agitare, incidono, provocare, disturbaremoverse, revolver, agitar, afectar, provocar, disturbar
quando moveret(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quando moveret  bellus, bella -um, bellior -or -us, bellissimus -a -umpretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellenthübsch, hübsch, charmant, freundlich, angenehm, höflich, nett, schön, guteassez, beau, charme, plaisant, agréable, poli ; gentil, fin, excellent bello, bello, attraente, gradevole, piacevole, educato, bello, fine, eccellentebastante, hermoso, el encantar, agradable, conforme, cortés; agradable, fino, excelente
quando moveret  bello, bellare, bellavi, bellatusfight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fightKampf, Krieg, Kampf, beteiligen sich an den Krieg / Kampf / Kampfle combat, font la guerre, lutte ; participer à la guerre/à bataille/au combat lotta, guerra, lotta, prendere parte alla guerra / battaglia / lottala lucha, emprende la guerra, lucha; participar en guerra/batalla/lucha
quando moveret  bellum, belli Nwar, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, armsKrieg, Krieg, Kampf, Kampf, Kampf, Krieg, Militär-, Waffen -la guerre, la guerre; bataille, combat, combat, guerre, la force militaire, les armesguerra, guerra; battaglia, combattimento, lotta, guerra, la forza militare, le armiguerra, guerra; batalla, combate, lucha, guerra, la fuerza militar, las armas
quando moveret Bella, perthrough; during; by, by means ofdurch, während, durch, mit Hilfe vongrâce; cours; par, au moyen deattraverso, durante, da, per mezzo dia través de, durante, por, por medio de
quando moveret Bella, per insignis, insignis, insigneconspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstandingsichtbar, offenbar, herausragende, bemerkenswerte, berühmt, vornehm, herausragendevisible, manifeste, éminents, notables, célèbres, qui se distingue, en circulationevidente, manifesto, insigne, notevole, famoso, distinto, eccezionalevisible, manifiesto, eminente, notable, famoso, distinguido, sobresaliente
quando moveret Bella, per insignes eo, ire, ivi/ii, itusgo, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sailgehen, zu Fuß, march, voraus; pass; flow; pass; reiten, segelnaller, marcher ; marche, avance ; passage ; écoulement ; passage ; tour ; voile andare, camminare, marciare, anticipo; pass; flusso; pass; giro; velair, caminar; marzo, avance; paso; flujo; paso; paseo; vela
quando moveret Bella, per insignes istic, istaec, istocthat of yours/mentioned by you/at handdie von Ihnen / von Ihnen genannten / zur Handque de toi / vous avez mentionnés / à portée de mainquella del vostro / citati da voi / a portata di manola de la suya / mencionado por usted o en la mano
quando moveret Bella, per insignes iste, ista, istudthat, that of yours, that which you refer to; suchdass diese von Ihnen, das, was Sie sich auf, wieque, que de la vôtre, celle qui vous renvoie à; cesche, quella del tuo, quello che si fa riferimento, ad esempioque, de suyo, lo que hace referencia a, tales
quando moveret Bella, per insignes istithere, in that place; where you are; herein, in this affairdort, an jenem Ort, wo du bist, hier, in dieser Angelegenheitil ya, dans ce lieu, où vous êtes, ici, dans cette affairelì, in quel luogo, dove sei, qui, in questa vicendaallí, en ese lugar, donde usted está, aquí, en este asunto
quando moveret Bella, per insignes isti mico, micare, micui, -vibrate, quiver, twinkle; tremble, throb; beat; dart, flash, glittervibrieren, Köcher, twinkle; zittern, pulsieren, schlagen, Dart, Flash, glittervibrer, trembler, scintiller ; trembler, palpiter ; battement ; dard, flash, scintillement vibrano, faretra, Twinkle, tremare, palpitare, battere, freccette, flash, glittervibrar, temblar, centellear; temblar, palpitar; golpe; dardo, flash, brillo
quando moveret Bella, per insignes isti micuere triumphus, triumphi Mtriumph, victory paradeTriumph, Siegesparadetriomphe, défilé de victoire trionfo, la vittoria paratatriunfo, desfile de la victoria
quando moveret Bella, per insignes isti micuere triumphos;(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
quando moveret Bella, per insignes isti micuere triumphos;  idcircoon that account; thereforeaus diesem Grund, dahersur ce compte, doncper questo, quindipor eso, por lo que

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