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... sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans et crystallinas tesseras; ...

sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans et crystallinas tesseras; et
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
 sequor, sequi, secutus sumfollow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seekfolgen, Escort / an / zu begleiten, zielen darauf ab / reach nach / anstreben / make for / suchensuivre ; escorter/être présent/accompagner ; viser/portée après que/essayer d'obtenir/faire pour/recherche seguire; escort / partecipare / accompagnare; mirano a / reach dopo / tendere / per fare / cercareseguir; escoltar/atender/acompañar; tener como objetivo/alcance después de que/esforzarse para/hacer para/búsqueda
sequebatur puer, pueri Mboy, lad, young man; servant; childJunge, Junge, junger Mann, Knecht, Kindgarçon, mon garçon, jeune homme, serviteur des enfantsragazzo, ragazzo, giovane uomo, servo; bambinoniño, muchacho, joven, criado, el niño
sequebatur puer tabula, tabulae Fwriting tablet; records; document, deed, will; listSchreibtafel; records; Dokument Tat wird; Listetablette; dossiers; document, acte, le testament; listetavoletta; documenti, documento, atto, volontà; listaatril; registros; documento, de hecho, la voluntad; lista
sequebatur puer tabulam(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam porto, portare, portavi, portatuscarry, bringtragen, bringenporter, apporter trasportare, portarellevar, traer
sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans et crystallinus, crystallina, crystallinummade of crystal; resembling crystal in appearance/qualityaus Kristall, Kristall ähnelt im Aussehen / Qualitäten cristal, cristal semblable en apparence / qualitédi cristallo, di cristallo simile in apparenza / qualitàde cristal, cristal se asemeja en apariencia y calidad
sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans et crystallinas tessera, tesserae Fdie; square tablet marked with watchword, countersign; token, ticketsterben, quadratischen Tablette, die mit Losungswort, gegenzeichnen; Token-Ticketmourir; tablette marqués mot d'ordre, de contresigner; billet symbolique,morire; pasticca contrassegnati con parola d'ordine, controfirmare; biglietto simbolico,mueren; pastilla marcada con santo y seña, y seña; billete modo,
sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans et crystallinas tesseras;(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
sequebatur puer tabulam terebinthiam portans et crystallinas tesseras;  etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso

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