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... in hortō currunt. ...

et in hortō currunt. Subitō
etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
et ininto; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, amongin, etwa in dem Nebel, der, nach, nachdem, denn, um unterdans, environ, dans la brume de: selon, après, car, pour, entrein, circa, nella nebbia di; secondo, dopo, per, per, traen, aproximadamente, en la bruma de, según, después, porque, para, entre
et inin, on, at; in accordance with/regard to/the case of; withinin, auf, nach, an, gegendans, sur, à, conformément à l'/ ce qui concerne les / le cas d'; dansin, su, su, in conformità con / per quanto riguarda / il caso di; all'internoen, sobre, en; de conformidad con / respecto a / el caso de, dentro de
et in hortus, horti Mgarden, fruit/kitchen garden; pleasure garden; parkGarten-, Obst-/ Gemüsegarten; Lustgarten; Parkjardin, potager de fruits /; jardin d'agrément, le parcgiardino, frutta / orto, giardino piacere; parcojardín, frutas y huerta; jardín de recreo, parque
et in hortō curro, currere, cucurri, cursusrun/trot/gallop, hurry/hasten/speed, move/travel/proceed/flow swiftly/quicklyrun / Trab / Galopp, eilig / beschleunigen / Geschwindigkeit, Bewegung / Reisen / gehen / flow schnell / schnellcourir/trot/galop, hâte/accélèrent/vitesses, mouvement/voyage/procèdent/vite d'écoulement/rapidement eseguire / trotto / galoppo, fretta / accelerare / velocità, spostare / viaggio / procedere / flusso rapido / velocefuncionar/trote/galope, prisa/aceleran/velocidad, movimiento/recorrido/proceden/rápidamente/rápidamente del flujo
et in hortō currunt.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
et in hortō currunt. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
et in hortō currunt. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
et in hortō currunt. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
et in hortō currunt. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
et in hortō currunt. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
et in hortō currunt.  subeo, subire, subivi(ii), subitusgo/move/pass/sink/extend underneath/into; climb/come/go up, ascend; steal in ongo / move / pass / Waschbecken / erweitern unterhalb von / in; klettern / kommen / steigen, aufsteigen, stehlen, aufsous de go/move/pass/sink/extend/dans ; la montée/come/go vers le haut, montent ; voler dedans dessus go / spostare / pass / lavabo / estendono sotto / in; salita / vieni / salire, salire, rubare in supor debajo/en de go/move/pass/sink/extend; la subida/come/go para arriba, asciende; robar adentro encendido
et in hortō currunt.  subitus, subita, subitumsudden; rash, unexpectedplötzliche, Ausschlag, unerwartetesoudaine, éruption cutanée, inattenduimprovviso, rash, inaspettatorepentina, sarpullido, inesperado
et in hortō currunt.  subitosuddenly, unexpectedly; at once, at short notice, quickly; in no time at allplötzlich, unerwartet, auf einmal, kurzfristig, schnell, in kürzester Zeittout à coup, inopinément, à la fois, à court terme, rapidement, en un rien de tempsall'improvviso, inaspettatamente, in una sola volta, con breve preavviso, in fretta, in pochissimo tempode pronto, inesperadamente, a la vez, en un plazo breve, rápida, y en ningún momento a todos

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