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... et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, Virbius, insignem...

Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, Virbius, insignem quem
eo, ire, ivi/ii, itusgo, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass; ride; sailgehen, zu Fuß, march, voraus; pass; flow; pass; reiten, segelnaller, marcher ; marche, avance ; passage ; écoulement ; passage ; tour ; voile andare, camminare, marciare, anticipo; pass; flusso; pass; giro; velair, caminar; marzo, avance; paso; flujo; paso; paseo; vela
Ibat etand, and even; also, evenund, auch, und auch, sogaret, et même, aussi, mêmee, anche, inoltre, anchey, e incluso, también, incluso
Ibat et(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Ibat et Hippolyti proles, prolis Foffspring, descendant; that springs by birth/descent; generation; race, breedNachkommen, Nachkomme, das durch die Geburt Federn / Abstammung; Generation, der Rasse, der Rassedescendants, descendant; que les ressorts de naissance ou de descente, la génération, la race, la raceprole, discendente, che scaturisce dalla nascita / discesa; generazione, razza, la razzadescendencia, descendiente; que brota por nacimiento / descenso, la generación; la raza, la raza
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcher, pulchra -um, pulchrior -or -us, pulcherrimus -a -umpretty; beautiful; handsome; noble, illustrioushübsch, schön, schön, edel, illustrejolie, belle, belle, noble, illustrebella, bella, bella, nobile, illustrebonito, hermoso, hermoso, noble, ilustre
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bellum, belli Nwar, warfare; battle, combat, fight; war; military force, armsKrieg, Krieg, Kampf, Kampf, Kampf, Krieg, Militär-, Waffen -la guerre, la guerre; bataille, combat, combat, guerre, la force militaire, les armesguerra, guerra; battaglia, combattimento, lotta, guerra, la forza militare, le armiguerra, guerra; batalla, combate, lucha, guerra, la fuerza militar, las armas
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, bellare, bellavi, bellatusfight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fightKampf, Krieg, Kampf, beteiligen sich an den Krieg / Kampf / Kampfle combat, font la guerre, lutte ; participer à la guerre/à bataille/au combat lotta, guerra, lotta, prendere parte alla guerra / battaglia / lottala lucha, emprende la guerra, lucha; participar en guerra/batalla/lucha
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bellus, bella -um, bellior -or -us, bellissimus -a -umpretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellenthübsch, hübsch, charmant, freundlich, angenehm, höflich, nett, schön, guteassez, beau, charme, plaisant, agréable, poli ; gentil, fin, excellent bello, bello, attraente, gradevole, piacevole, educato, bello, fine, eccellentebastante, hermoso, el encantar, agradable, conforme, cortés; agradable, fino, excelente
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello,(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, Virbius, insignis, insignis, insigneconspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstandingsichtbar, offenbar, herausragende, bemerkenswerte, berühmt, vornehm, herausragendevisible, manifeste, éminents, notables, célèbres, qui se distingue, en circulationevidente, manifesto, insigne, notevole, famoso, distinto, eccezionalevisible, manifiesto, eminente, notable, famoso, distinguido, sobresaliente
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, Virbius, insignem qui, quae, quodwho, whichder, die, das; welcher, welche, welchesL'OMS, quichi, cheque, que
Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, Virbius, insignem quiswhichwelcher, was für einquel checuál

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