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... murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. “rētiāriī nōn pugnant!...

murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. “rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
murmillōnēs facilis, facile, facilior -or -us, facillimus -a -umeasy, easy to do, without difficulty, ready, quick, good natured, courteouseinfach, leicht zu machen, ohne Schwierigkeiten, bereit, schnell, gutmütig, höflichfacile, facile à faire, sans difficulté, prêt, rapide, de bonne composition, courtoise facile, facile, senza difficoltà, pronto, rapido, buon carattere, cortesefácil, fácil hacer, sin la dificultad, listo, rápido, bondadoso, cortesana
murmillōnēs facile, facilius, facillimeeasily, readily, without difficulty; generally, often; willingly; heedlesslyeinfach, leicht, ohne Schwierigkeiten, meistens, oft, gern, bedenkenlosfacilement, facilement, sans difficulté, en général, souvent, volontairement; étourdimentfacilmente, prontamente, senza difficoltà, in generale, spesso, volentieri; spensieratamentefácilmente, fácilmente, sin dificultad, por lo general, a menudo, de buena gana; descuidadamente
murmillōnēs facile(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt.(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. “rētiāriī nonnot, by no means, nonicht, auf keinen Fall, keinnon, pas du tout, pas denon per nulla, nessunNo, de ninguna manera, no
murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. “rētiāriī Non., abb.Nones; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhenNones; 7. des Monats, März, Mai, Juli, Oktober, 5. elsewhenNones, 7 mois, Mars, Mai, Juillet, octobre, 5e autre momentNones, 7 mesi, marzo, maggio, luglio, ottobre, 5 ° elsewhenNones, séptimo del mes, marzo, mayo, julio, octubre, 5 de elsewhen
murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. “rētiāriī nōn pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatusfight; disputezu bekämpfen; Streitcombat ; conflit lotta; controversialucha; conflicto
murmillōnēs facile ēvītāvērunt. “rētiāriī nōn pugnant!(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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