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... “rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sunt ignāvī!” clāmāvērunt ...

“rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sunt ignāvī!” clāmāvērunt
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
“rētiāriī nonnot, by no means, nonicht, auf keinen Fall, keinnon, pas du tout, pas denon per nulla, nessunNo, de ninguna manera, no
“rētiāriī Non., abb.Nones; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhenNones; 7. des Monats, März, Mai, Juli, Oktober, 5. elsewhenNones, 7 mois, Mars, Mai, Juillet, octobre, 5e autre momentNones, 7 mesi, marzo, maggio, luglio, ottobre, 5 ° elsewhenNones, séptimo del mes, marzo, mayo, julio, octubre, 5 de elsewhen
“rētiāriī nōn pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatusfight; disputezu bekämpfen; Streitcombat ; conflit lotta; controversialucha; conflicto
“rētiāriī nōn pugnant!(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
“rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sum, esse, fui, futurusbe; existsein, existierenêtre ; exister essere, esistereser; existir
“rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sunt ignavus, ignava -um, ignavior -or -us, ignavissimus -a -umlazy/idle/sluggish; spiritless; cowardly, faint-hearted; ignoble, mean; uselessfaul / idle / träge; geistlose, feige, kleinmütig, unedel, bedeuten; nutzlosparesseux/ralenti/lent ; spiritless ; lâche, timide ; ignoble, moyen ; inutile pigri / idle / lento, senza spirito, vile, pusillanime, ignobile, media; inutileperezoso/marcha lenta/inactivo; exánime; cobarde, faint-hearted; vil, medio; inútil
“rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sunt ignāvī!” clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatusproclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call name of; accompany with shoutsverkünden, erklären; cry / shout out; schreiben / Call-Namen; begleiten mit Geschreiproclamer, déclarer ; le cri/crient dehors ; nom de cri/appel de ; accompagner avec des cris proclamare, dichiarare, gridare / gridare; messaggio / invito a nome di; accompagnare con messaggi in bachecaproclamar, declarar; el grito/grita hacia fuera; nombre del grito/de la llamada de; acompañar con gritos
“rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sunt ignāvī!” clāmāvērunt(Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)
“rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sunt ignāvī!” clāmāvērunt (Currently undefined; we'll fix this soon.)

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